Katsuragi Kakinomoto Jinja 葛城 柿本神社
187-1 Kakinomoto, Katsuragi City, Nara
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The shrine is dedicated to Kakinomoto no Hitomaro, one of the first ranked poets in Manyoshu, Japan's oldest anthology of poems. He died in Iwami no kuni in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture, but was reburied in 770, and this shrine was built by his tomb.

Together with Yogenji Temple next to the shrine, on April 18, which is the anniversary of Hitomaro's death, every year, the Chinponkanpon Festival is held.
People recollect him by his poem concerning Katsuragi:
Spring willows, the clouds over Mt. Katsuragi,
Remind me of my sister, Standing or sitting.
- source : -
柿本山 影現寺 Kakinomotozan Yogen-Ji
奈良県葛城市柿本161 / 161 Kakinomoto, Katsuragi City, Nara
- HP of the temple
- reference source : -
高雄内供奉 - Takao Naigubu
He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 important Tengu of Japan .
also known as[
Shinzei 真済(しんぜい)
高雄僧正 Takao Sojo - "Priest with high learning" (attained at Jingo-Ji)
柿本僧正 Kakinomoto Sojo
Shinzei practised for 12 years at the temple 神護寺 Jingo-Ji and later came to attend to the Emperor as a teacher 御斎会.
He is venerated at founder of the temple 影現寺 Yogen-Ji in Nara, Katsuragi town 奈良県葛城市.
He studied Mikkyo Buddhism with Kobo Daishi. He often practised austerities at Takao 高雄の峯. Once he saw the honorable Lady 藤原明子 Fujiwara no Meishi (染殿后 Somedono no Kisaki) and felt love trouble in his heart. He died soon afterwards and became a blue demon. First he tormented Somedono and later he turned into an Ootengu 大天狗 Great Tengu.
ー More legends about Shinzei
- reference source : wikipedia -
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The Empress Somedono is possessed by a tengu (天狗).
The Empress Somedono (829-900) was the wife of Emperor Montoku (r. 850-858).
Also known as Akirakeiko, she was the daughter of the Regent Fujiwara no Yoshifusa (804-872), chief adviser to the Emperor. She was the mother of Emperor Seiwa (r. 858-876).
"Empress Somedono was possessed by a tengu. Several months passed by, but nobody could exorcise the tengu. The tengu announced: 'Unless the buddhas of the three eras appear, who could dare oppose me.'
After some time
the priest Sõõ (831-918) who had founded Mudõ Temple on sacred Mount Hiei was summoned to perform an exorcism.
Sõõ prayed to Amida Buddha for a week, but his prayers had no effect on the tengu. Sõõ then returned to Mount Hiei to pray instead to Fudõ Myõ-õ, the Immovable Wisdom King.
Fudõ Myõ-õ
sat upon his great dais facing the south. When Sõõ sat to pray to Fudõ Myõ-õ, the Wisdom King turned away from Sõõ and faced the west. When the priest seated himself in the west, Fudõ Myõ-õ turned to face the east. The priest again sat in the east facing Fudõ Myõ-õ, but the Wisdom King again turned to face the west. After a few more times at trying to pray to Fudõ Myõ-õ, the Wisdom King finally returned to his original position facing the south.
The priest seated himself again in the south and with tears in his eyes, begged Fudõ Myõ-õ, 'I request an answer to my prayers, why do you turn away from me?' Fudõ Myõ-õ looked into the teary eyes of the priest and spoke, 'In accordance with my vow that if a person keeps my spell even once, I will protect him for lives to come, I have not responded to your petitions and have turned away from you. This is my reason, in the past, the priest Shinzei of Ki kept my spell; however, because of a slightly wrong attachment, he fell into the realm of tengu and now torments the Empress.

Because of the original vow, I must protect this tengu. You must go to the palace and secretly whisper to the tengu, 'Are you the tengu of Kaki no moto, the priest Shinzei of Ki known as Ki no Sõjõ? As he answers, lower your head and perform an exorcism by quietly chanting the magic Buddhist spell of the Daiitoku. The tengu will then be bound by this spell. Meanwhile, I will absolve him of his wrong attachment and lead him back to the path of the Buddha.' Sõõ was deeply moved by the words of Fudõ Myõ-õ. He did as he was instructed, asking the question and performing the exorcism. He was able to successfully seize the tengu and banish it. The Empress Somedono recovered soon after."
The tengu that possessed Empress Somedono was Shinzei (800-860), the priest of Ki known as Ki no Sõjõ. Shinzei was a disciple of Kõbõ Daishi (774-835), the founder of Shingon-shu Mikkyõ (esoteric) Buddhism. He transformed himself into a tengu and possessed the Empress because he supported Prince Koretaka as the new emperor in place of Prince Korehito.
- more is here :
- source : © James Kemlo -
Other high priests who turned into Tengu
玄隈 Genbo - 、慈恵 Jiei Daishi (Hieizan), 尊雲 Sonun

source : - 花兄 さん
柿本人麻呂像 statue carved by Enku san !
. Welcome to Master Carver Enku 円空 ! .
Katsuragi Kakinomoto Jinja 葛城 柿本神社
187-1 Kakinomoto, Katsuragi City, Nara
- quote -
The shrine is dedicated to Kakinomoto no Hitomaro, one of the first ranked poets in Manyoshu, Japan's oldest anthology of poems. He died in Iwami no kuni in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture, but was reburied in 770, and this shrine was built by his tomb.
Together with Yogenji Temple next to the shrine, on April 18, which is the anniversary of Hitomaro's death, every year, the Chinponkanpon Festival is held.
People recollect him by his poem concerning Katsuragi:
Spring willows, the clouds over Mt. Katsuragi,
Remind me of my sister, Standing or sitting.
- source : -
柿本山 影現寺 Kakinomotozan Yogen-Ji
奈良県葛城市柿本161 / 161 Kakinomoto, Katsuragi City, Nara
- HP of the temple
- reference source : -
高雄内供奉 - Takao Naigubu
He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 important Tengu of Japan .
also known as[
Shinzei 真済(しんぜい)
高雄僧正 Takao Sojo - "Priest with high learning" (attained at Jingo-Ji)
柿本僧正 Kakinomoto Sojo
Shinzei practised for 12 years at the temple 神護寺 Jingo-Ji and later came to attend to the Emperor as a teacher 御斎会.
He is venerated at founder of the temple 影現寺 Yogen-Ji in Nara, Katsuragi town 奈良県葛城市.
He studied Mikkyo Buddhism with Kobo Daishi. He often practised austerities at Takao 高雄の峯. Once he saw the honorable Lady 藤原明子 Fujiwara no Meishi (染殿后 Somedono no Kisaki) and felt love trouble in his heart. He died soon afterwards and became a blue demon. First he tormented Somedono and later he turned into an Ootengu 大天狗 Great Tengu.
ー More legends about Shinzei
- reference source : wikipedia -
- quote -
The Empress Somedono is possessed by a tengu (天狗).
The Empress Somedono (829-900) was the wife of Emperor Montoku (r. 850-858).
Also known as Akirakeiko, she was the daughter of the Regent Fujiwara no Yoshifusa (804-872), chief adviser to the Emperor. She was the mother of Emperor Seiwa (r. 858-876).
"Empress Somedono was possessed by a tengu. Several months passed by, but nobody could exorcise the tengu. The tengu announced: 'Unless the buddhas of the three eras appear, who could dare oppose me.'
After some time
the priest Sõõ (831-918) who had founded Mudõ Temple on sacred Mount Hiei was summoned to perform an exorcism.
Sõõ prayed to Amida Buddha for a week, but his prayers had no effect on the tengu. Sõõ then returned to Mount Hiei to pray instead to Fudõ Myõ-õ, the Immovable Wisdom King.
Fudõ Myõ-õ
sat upon his great dais facing the south. When Sõõ sat to pray to Fudõ Myõ-õ, the Wisdom King turned away from Sõõ and faced the west. When the priest seated himself in the west, Fudõ Myõ-õ turned to face the east. The priest again sat in the east facing Fudõ Myõ-õ, but the Wisdom King again turned to face the west. After a few more times at trying to pray to Fudõ Myõ-õ, the Wisdom King finally returned to his original position facing the south.
The priest seated himself again in the south and with tears in his eyes, begged Fudõ Myõ-õ, 'I request an answer to my prayers, why do you turn away from me?' Fudõ Myõ-õ looked into the teary eyes of the priest and spoke, 'In accordance with my vow that if a person keeps my spell even once, I will protect him for lives to come, I have not responded to your petitions and have turned away from you. This is my reason, in the past, the priest Shinzei of Ki kept my spell; however, because of a slightly wrong attachment, he fell into the realm of tengu and now torments the Empress.

Because of the original vow, I must protect this tengu. You must go to the palace and secretly whisper to the tengu, 'Are you the tengu of Kaki no moto, the priest Shinzei of Ki known as Ki no Sõjõ? As he answers, lower your head and perform an exorcism by quietly chanting the magic Buddhist spell of the Daiitoku. The tengu will then be bound by this spell. Meanwhile, I will absolve him of his wrong attachment and lead him back to the path of the Buddha.' Sõõ was deeply moved by the words of Fudõ Myõ-õ. He did as he was instructed, asking the question and performing the exorcism. He was able to successfully seize the tengu and banish it. The Empress Somedono recovered soon after."
The tengu that possessed Empress Somedono was Shinzei (800-860), the priest of Ki known as Ki no Sõjõ. Shinzei was a disciple of Kõbõ Daishi (774-835), the founder of Shingon-shu Mikkyõ (esoteric) Buddhism. He transformed himself into a tengu and possessed the Empress because he supported Prince Koretaka as the new emperor in place of Prince Korehito.
- more is here :
- source : © James Kemlo -
Other high priests who turned into Tengu
玄隈 Genbo - 、慈恵 Jiei Daishi (Hieizan), 尊雲 Sonun

source : - 花兄 さん
柿本人麻呂像 statue carved by Enku san !
. Welcome to Master Carver Enku 円空 ! .
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