katsuona かつお菜/勝男菜 / カツオ菜
written with the Chinese characters for Wwinning man"
it is an auspicious ingredient for the 雑煮 New Year soup.
It belongs to the family of aburana アブラナ科 Brassicaceae.
It tastes a bit like the katsuo Bonito fish, hence the name. If it is placed in a soup, there is no need to add additional bonito shavings (katsuobushi).
more specialities from Fukuoka
in my blog

written with the Chinese characters for Wwinning man"
it is an auspicious ingredient for the 雑煮 New Year soup.
It belongs to the family of aburana アブラナ科 Brassicaceae.
It tastes a bit like the katsuo Bonito fish, hence the name. If it is placed in a soup, there is no need to add additional bonito shavings (katsuobushi).
more specialities from Fukuoka
in my blog
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