January 29, 2017

MINGEI - Aizu Dolls


. Folk Toys from Fukushima .

Daruma from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津だるま

Produced at the Saito Workshop
Made of Wood, calling in good luck for the owner.

- source : aizukanko.com/spot...

See below more photos from the collection of Saito San.


Aizu hariko 会津張子 Papermachee Dolls

猪苗代湖の側の会津若松市には、種々の郷土玩具が揃っています。その内でも代表的なものは、赤べこをはじめとする会津若松張り子です。 会津若松の張り子は赤べこをはじめ、会津天神、馬に乗った殿様、会津だるま、姉様、など、大小さまざまの型が作られています。この地方の張り子は「赤もの」とも呼ばれて、赤色を基調に彩色されています。赤ものは昔は疫病除けの呪い(まじない)であり、また、子育ての縁起物として用いられたものです。 東北の諸玩具の中でも古い伝統を持ったこの会津若松の張り子は、豊臣秀吉に仕えた蒲生氏郷(がもううじさと)が、鶴が城城主として松阪から移封した時、下級武士の資(かて)になるようにと、京都から職人を招きその技術を修得させたのが始まりで、それが今日あで伝承されているのです。 掲載の「馬に乗った殿様」は五十嵐民芸店の製作品です。

The most important of the Aizu Papermachee Dolls is the Red Oxen, Akabeko. The red color is auspicious for warding off illnesses. Many papermachee dolls of the Aizu area are called "Red Things" (akamono) for this reason. Red things are also good luck symbols for childrearing.

Princess Dolls as rolypoly. Made by Yamada san.

「起き上がり小法師」ともよばれる、親指大の可愛い張り子の「起き上がり」です。 これを作っている「山田民芸工房」では、「起き姫」「風車」「初音」を会津三縁起物と称して製造販売しています。(風車・初音は未収録) 「初音」は竹製のうぐいす笛で、春一番に鳴く鳥ということから、昔はこの笛を吹いて正月を祝ったそうです。 これらの縁起物や先の会津だるまなどは、正月10日市内のえびす市で売られます。そのとき、起き姫を家族の数より1個多く求め、家族の数が増えますようにという願いから、神棚にそれを祀って、「家内安全。養蚕の豊作」を祈りました。

Princess Daruma rolypoly Dolls. Made by Yamada san.
The tree auspicious things from Aizu are this Doll, water wheels and a pipe made from bamboo which sounds like a first nightingale in spring (hatsune). You buy Daruma dolls at the New Years Market, one figure more than members of the household, put them on the God's Shelf (kamidana) and pray for the good luck of the family and a good silk harvest.

Yamada Mingei Kobo 山田民芸工房

山田利正 Yamada Toshimasa san,
now in the fourth generation, makes Okiagari Koboshi 起き上がり小法師 small Daruma statues, now with the wish to help Tohoku come back on its feet.
These dolls have been made since 400 years, then the lord of the domain, Gamoo 蒲生公 had them produced as a regional souvenir and an amulet to keep people healthy. Each family has to buy one more that family members with the wish that the family will always prosper and the line never die out.

. Earthquake Daruma .


Aizu anesama 姉様 Elder Sister Doll

They were designed by Kuri Jooei 粟城栄 from the Igarashi store.
They are quite simple and pure and bring out the fascination of papermachee dolls.
- source : asahi-net.or.jp/... l


Aizu no Anesama 会津の姉様 "Aizu sisters"

Aizu no Anesama 会津の姉様 Sister Dolls made from folded pieces of cloth, mainly in indigo colors. Their head decorations were made from gold and silver strings.
. Anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 "elder sister" dolls .


.. .. .. .. .. Collection Saito, Sendai 仙台の斉藤さん


The ones on the left are from Aizu, with a sharp head.
The ones on the right are from Miharu.

oo oo oo

Nozawa Hariko from Nishi Aizu
Nozawa Daruma
made since about 40 years.
They are made by plastering washi paper on special molds and not as detailed as real handmade papermachee dolls.
The themes are Daruma, a tiger wiggeling its head and Daikoku with a mouse.

しかし、だるまを作る型の真空成型では小さな作品では精度の高いものは出来ず、手作りの張子に近い作品を作るための型は、7年余りの時間を掛けて私共で開発しました。新しい作品を作る場合、デザインした作品の木型を作成し和紙を使ったサンプルを作成します。手張り張子はこの最初の作品のみです。製品としてお客様にお渡しするものは、すべて真空成型により作られるものです。江戸時代より庶民の中から生まれ育ち、高度経済成長にともない滅び行く一途の郷土玩具を、製法は違えども後世に残して行けたらと思うとき、私共があります。」(野沢民芸品製作企業組合・伊藤理事長の話)虎の高さ8cm。(H17. 1.2)

© 佐藤 研 (仙台市)Collection Saito, Sendai
Look at more papermachee dolls from Aizu and Fukushima here


2013 - after the earthquake
Nozawa Mingeihin Seisaku Kigyo Kumiai

NISHI-AIZU, Fukushima Prefecture--Customers have been screaming for traditional Okiagari-Koboshi (getting-up little priest) dolls that have been given an expressionistic twist. ...
- source : ajw.asahi.com


CLICK for more photos !

Nozawa Mingei 野沢民芸
- source : www.nozawa-mingei.com


source : asahi/narumi

higanjishi, higan shishi 彼岸獅子
lion dancers at the solstice

They have a history of more than 500 years.
They represent a dance for good luck for soldiers before they had to go to battle.
They also bring good health and ward off evil. The most important of these battles was the Boshin Senso in 1868, a civil war between Tokugawa loyal forces and the new Meiji government troups.
The loyal samurai of Aizu were famous for this last battle.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of the dancers !


Aizu Daruma 会津だるま


Aizu hariko 会津張子 Aizu Papier-Mache dolls
The craft of 'hariko' (papier-mache) is also called 'harinuki' or 'haribote' and was brought to Japan from China.

During the Muromachi period, papier-mache dog figures were popular among the nobility. By the Edo period, there were many paper-production centers all over Japan. Many kinds of papier-mache toys and good-luck figures were made around Japan, with characteristics unique to each region.

In the Edo period, there was little chance for exchange both within and outside the country, owing to Japan's long period of isolation. So, people produced toys reflecting each region's lifestyle or beliefs.

Papier-mache toys, such as these, have been called 'local toys' since the early Taisho period. Most local toys are to wish for health to a growing child, good luck, prosperity in business or abundant harvest.

It is said that Aizu papier-mache developed as an additional source of income for samurai in the Aizu Domain; the red cow toy is especially famous. There is something lovely about the way these little red cows shake their heads.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -


Aizu tsuchiningyo 会津土人 Clay Dolls

from Nakayukawa, Aizu 会津中湯川土人形

Daruma and Cow

catfish and chicken ナマズの上に鶏

made by Aoyanagi Morihiko 青柳守彦 in a traditional way, with a rather comical touch.

Click for more:
source : folkcraft.samurai47.com

. . . CLICK here for Photos from Aizu Clay Dolls !


Aizu Chinese Doll kites 唐人凧
Toojin Tako 唐人凧

They were made by the company Takefuji 竹藤, a sake brewery, which has a history dating back to 1624.

The daimyo of Aizu, Gamoo 蒲生, had been baptised as a Christian and had close connection with Nagasaki and the Chinese merchants there.
Around 1764, the people of Aizu developed a special way to grow ginseng 高麗人参 koorai ninjin ("Korean carrots"). One of the ginsen merchants, Adachi Juuroo 足立十郎 had the kites made to honor the Chinese merchants.


onna tochibina 女土地雛 clay dolls of women

They are a kind of hina dolls (for the doll festival on March 3).
They have been made by the grandfather of Kuri Jooei 粟城栄 from the Igarashi store.
source : Mingeikan Asahi


. Bandai Atami no hariko 磐梯熱海の張り子 papermachee dolls from Bandai Atami .


. Further Reference


. akabeko あかべこ Aka-Beko .
The red cow / oxen from Aizu

. Folk Toys from Fukushima .

- #aizuwakamatsu #aizudolls #aizudaruma -

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