November 24, 2016

MINGEI - Glass from Hagi

Hagi town 萩市

garasu 萩のガラス工芸 glass art from Hagi
Hagi glass is created during Bakumatsu in 1860 by a scientist from Nagato-han named Nakayama Jihei. It is now finally restored over 145 years period.
Quartz basalt from the volcano is used to make the extremely tough glassware here.

Hagi glass was much loved by Takasugi Shinsaku. He loved the "decahedral kiriko glass"
- reference -

. Choomon hariko 長門張り子 Chomon hariko -
papermachee dolls from the Chomon gorge .

. Hagi no takezaiku 竹細工 bamboo craft from Hagi .


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