The name is written with the Chinese character for 魂 "soul" :
hototogisu 杜魂(ほととぎす)
hototogisu 蜀魂(ほととぎす)
hototogisu 不如帰(ほととぎす)
Hototogisu with his blood-red throat is known as the bird of hell.
Some folks say it begins to sing for someone who is about to die.
hototogisu hitsugi o tsukamu kumoma yori
this little cuckoo
comes through break in the clouds
to snatch a coffin
With its song the bird seems to tell the world he got another soul to bring to 閻魔 Enma, the King of Hell.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
- quote -
The Enigmatic Japanese Cuckoo
..... The cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) – or hototogisu has several meanings in Japanese folklore but its use in these prints appears to be transient or elusive – much like the bird itself. .....

- Hokusai, A Cuckoo and Rainbow
The cuckoo has long been popular as a subject in Japanese literature and Haiku, possibly to do with the word having five syllables; and in literature and myth it is associated with the longing of the spirits of the dead to return to their loved ones. Mourning, longing, melancholy; these are suggested maybe by its song and perhaps signals its persistent use in woodblock prints.
..... Kunisada, Soga Brothers (print)
The cuckoo here is pictured as a portent of tragedy (as is the rain) and of the echo of the dead and unquiet father.
..... Hiroshige, 100 Views of Edo (print)
Here the falling cuckoo is also used to imagine the oncoming storm and the melancholy of the windy night.
- source : -
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
時鳥 04 / ホトトギス 15 / ほととぎす 07 / 杜鵑 06
The name is written with the Chinese character for 魂 "soul" :
hototogisu 杜魂(ほととぎす)
hototogisu 蜀魂(ほととぎす)
hototogisu 不如帰(ほととぎす)
Hototogisu with his blood-red throat is known as the bird of hell.
Some folks say it begins to sing for someone who is about to die.
hototogisu hitsugi o tsukamu kumoma yori
this little cuckoo
comes through break in the clouds
to snatch a coffin
With its song the bird seems to tell the world he got another soul to bring to 閻魔 Enma, the King of Hell.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
- quote -
The Enigmatic Japanese Cuckoo
..... The cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) – or hototogisu has several meanings in Japanese folklore but its use in these prints appears to be transient or elusive – much like the bird itself. .....

- Hokusai, A Cuckoo and Rainbow
The cuckoo has long been popular as a subject in Japanese literature and Haiku, possibly to do with the word having five syllables; and in literature and myth it is associated with the longing of the spirits of the dead to return to their loved ones. Mourning, longing, melancholy; these are suggested maybe by its song and perhaps signals its persistent use in woodblock prints.
..... Kunisada, Soga Brothers (print)
The cuckoo here is pictured as a portent of tragedy (as is the rain) and of the echo of the dead and unquiet father.
..... Hiroshige, 100 Views of Edo (print)
Here the falling cuckoo is also used to imagine the oncoming storm and the melancholy of the windy night.
- source : -
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
時鳥 04 / ホトトギス 15 / ほととぎす 07 / 杜鵑 06
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