July 05, 2016

EDO chopsticks hashi


other types of chopsticks

CLICK  for original LINK ... hiromi2.hp.infoseek.co.jp

丁六 choo-roku, square chopsticks
小判 koban, oval chopsticks
元禄 genroku: with six corners, named after the Genroku period of Edo.
天削 tenkezuri, top is shaves
丸箸 marubashi, round chopsticks


waribashi 割り箸; 割箸 disposable chopsticks

waribashi uri 割り箸 売り selling disposable chopsticks in Edo

Chopsticks made from bamboo used to be washed after use and used again. Around190 years ago, stalls selling grilled eel became popular in Edo and their owners found it cumbersome to clean the chopsticks, it was also a problem of cleanliness for a roadside vendor.
So they developed hiki waribashi 引割箸, the fore-runners of our present-day "use and throw away" chopsticks. They were in use in Edo, Kyoto and Osaka since around 1818.

Chopsticks made from bamboo used to be washed after use and used again. Around 190 years ago, stalls selling grilled eel became popular and their owners found it cumbersome to clean the chopsticks, it was also a problem of cleanliness for a roadside vendor.
So they developed hiki waribashi 引割箸, the fore-runners of our present-day "use and throw away" chopsticks.
They were in use in Edo, Kyoto and Osaka since around 1818.

. chin shoobai 珍商売 strange business in Edo .

hashishi, hashi shi 箸師 making chopsticks
The material used apart from bamboo was wood from
kuwa 桑 mulberry tree and enju 槐 Japanese pagoda tree
sugi 杉 cedar and hinoki 桧 cypress
yanagi 柳 willow tree and matsu 松 pine tree
kuri 栗 sweet chestnut tree and kaki 柿 persimmon tree.

Bamboo chopsticks were often covered with urushi 漆 laquer to make them last even longer and look nicer.
The craftsmen making chopsticks were divided in two:
making the original form from wood - kijishi 木地師
working on the smooth surface of the chopsticks - nushi 塗師
The surface of the wood was softened with a small kanna 鉋 plane. Thus they got a lot of small wood chips. These were burned in summer to ward off mosquitos, who do not like the smoke.

sugi niou ka yari hashiya no kezurikuzu

the smell of cedar
from the chopstick maker's wood chips
wards off mosquitoes

江戸木箸専門店 - Daikokuya 大黒屋 Edo Kibashi 江戸木箸
Edo Wooden Chopsticks Shop

- source : kaumo.jp/topic -

- quote -
Edo Kibashi chopsticks have been created by the hands of Tokyo craftspeople since the beginning of the Taisho Period (1912-1926) roughly 100 years ago. Edo Kibashi use carefully selected high-grade wood (ebony, red sandalwood, ironwood, Japanese box-trees, maple, etc.), which craftspeople plane by hand.
With a focus on ergonomics, they are designed for easy grip and pragmatic functionality. In the early stages of their development, a square design called dobari, or stretched trunk, was the standard form. However, the craftspeople recognized that every person has a different sense of grip, with varying preferences for the length, width and weight of their chopsticks, and Edo Kibashi craftspeople began to manufacture chopsticks in various shapes, including squares, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons and simple circles. With so many different features and characteristics to choose from, it's easier for the purchaser to select chopsticks that fits his or her preference. Expressed through design, this kind of concern for the user's needs is what makes Edo Kibashi so special.
Takeda Katsuhiko,
owner of the Daikokuya Edo Kibashi store, originated the name Edo Kibashi in 1999. Daikokuya has inherited the history and tradition of Edo Kibashi, and continues to ambitiously develop designs that pursue the utmost in utility.
- source :japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/eng -

. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 shokunin .

. zooge no hashi 象牙の箸 ivory chopsticks .


The original Ukiyo-E is a beauty blowing a glass ball poppen, which the designer for this shop has re-done to suit his merchandise.
- reference : blog.goo.ne.jp/caba_note/e -

Popen o fuku musume ポペンを吹く娘 Girl blowing a "Poppen" glass
. 喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro .

There are also chopsticks with small Ukiyo-e design.

. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .


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