June 16, 2016

LEGENDS - sumi charcoal


sumigama 炭竈 と伝説 Legends about charcoal kilns

sumidawara 炭俵 straw bag or sack for charcoal

.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ......................................
奥州市 Oshu

deceived by a fox 狐
Around 1877 a vendor of sardines was deceived by a fox, put on a 鎧 war helmet , sat on his horse and wanted to go to war. But when he came back to his senses, he was sitting on a large root of a tree, had a charcoal bag on his hat and hit his own backside (to make the horse go faster in his mind).

source : tsuyama-tokusan/kamoaba
岡山作州 福炭俵 auspicious straw bag decorations for the New Year
Okayama, Sakushu

.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................
本吉町 Motoyoshi

deceived by a fox 狐
A plasterer had helped a farmer with his work and was on his way home. He had gotten some 蛸 octopus and 鰯 sardines and put them in a charcoal bag. But when he reached home, the bag was empty. He found some leftovers of octopus and sardines scattered at the nest of a fox - aaa, he had been deceived by a fox.

.......................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 ......................................
日高郡 Hidaka district みなべ町 Minabe

hikaru tori 光る鳥 a shining bird
Once a young man walked along a mountain road ad night when he saw a back of charcoal by the roadside. He kicked it down the valley and suddenly a shining bird flew past him. He was shocked and afraid and run fast tor home.


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