June 14, 2016

EDO - okeya bucket makers


Buckets of all sizes were used for many activities in the lives of the Edo people. Most buckets were made from wood, with a more or less deep bottom.
They were used for washing robes or rice, keeping Tsukemono pickles, and keeping cooked rice (komebitsu 米櫃).

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... traveling artisans ...
to use wooden buckets and barrels to hold liquids. The boards of buckets and barrels are held together with cylindrical hoops, and when the hoops got old and broke or bent, a specialist artisan would repair them by binding them with new pieces of bamboo. These too could be efficiently repaired on the spot if one called a traveling artisan who carried materials and tools with him.
Furutaru-kai (Used-barrel Buyers)
In the past, barrels were the most common containers for liquids, so the barrels would be owned by drinking establishments, or in the case of "uchitaru" (literally "home barrels"), they were owned by the person who bought them. However, there were some barrels where it wasn't clear who the owner was, and in that case, when the barrels were empty, they were no longer needed, and their ownership was in question.
here were special merchants who bought those old barrels, and there were specialty barrel wholesaler stores. There were even empty barrel wholesalers on the main streets in Nihonbashi, showing that it must have been a big business.
- reference source : edo-period-recycling -

source : mirukikukaku/e

風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる If the wind blows, the Okeya makes good money . . .
The humorous reason is a bit difficult to understand:

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①大風で土ぼこりが立つ If strong wind blows, there will be a lot of dust.
②土ぼこりが目に入って、盲人が増える If dust comes into the eyes, people will get blind,.
③盲人は三味線を買う(当時の盲人が就ける職に由来)Blind people buy Shamisen string instruments to make a living.
④三味線に使う猫皮が必要になり、ネコが殺される To make Shamisen, the skin of cats is used.
⑤ネコが減ればネズミが増える If there are fewer cats, there are more mice.
⑥ネズミは桶を囓る Mice will gnaw at the OKE barrels.
⑦桶の需要が増え桶屋が儲か Therefore the Okeya will have more work to do.
- reference : mirukikukaku/e-

Well, he also made kanoke 棺桶 coffins.
And if the wind blows, there will be a fire somewhere and then . . .
So he also made suitable buckets to carry water from the waterway.
Others specialized in buckets and barrels for bathing or keeping Sake.

According to its use, the thickness and type of the wood varied considerable. And buckets for liquids had to be especially tight. The wood was fastened with stripes of bamboo.


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