May 24, 2016

EDO - fukuromono bags and pouches


. Edo shokunin 江戸職人 craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

CLICK for more photos of fukuro-mono !

fukuromonoshi 袋物師 / 嚢物師 making bags and pouches

They use mostly cloth and leather to produce all kinds of small pouches for the fashionable Edokko.
Most important were money pouches and tobacco pouches. They often worked by order from a client to suit his taste.

「印籠と根付」Inro and Netsuke
- Look at more photos on this page :
- source : -

fukuromonoya 袋物屋 shop for bags and pouches
fukuromono tonya 袋物問屋 pouches wholesaler

One of the most famous one's was Echikawa 越川.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. tabako-ire 煙草入れ tobacco pouch .

'囊物の世界 : 江戶小物のデザイン・百楽庵コレクション = The fukuro-mono of Edo : traditional small puches of old Japan / Fukuromono no sekai : Edo komono no dezain, Hyakurakuan korekushon = The fukuro-mono of Edo : traditional small puches of old Japan'
by Tomoyuki Yamanobe; Hideo Hirano; Takeshi Fujimori

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CLICK for more photos !

江戶に遊ぶ : 囊物にみる粋の世界
Edo ni asobu : fukuromono ni miru iki no sekai

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嚢物の世界 Fukuro-mono :
he All-Encompassing Art of Edo
by Hideo Hirano 平野英夫

目次 - contents
○, 序文 手作り細工品の極地
○, 図版 燧袋 合提げ 巾着 袂落し お守り
○, 煙草入れ
○, 紙入れ
○, 鏡入れ 筥迫 華鎖り
○, 動乱 手提げ袋 銭入れ 薬入れ 魚袋
○, 江戸の総合芸術ー袋物の世界とその周辺
○, 工芸家系譜図
○, 職方分業図ー袋物ができるまで
○, 袋物各部名称図ーたばこ入れ・筥迫
○, 用語解説

An extensive page including more photos and books:
日本嚢物史 History of Japanese Fukuromono
- Materials used: 材料
○, 皮革
○, 嚢物材料としての革
○, 織物
○, 染物
○, 刺繍
○, 摺込繪
○, 貴金属
○, 寳石と貴石
○, 準寳石
○, 人造装飾物
○, 木竹牙角

江戸に遊ぶ -嚢物にみる粋の世界-
日本のおしゃれ 袋物
名物裂 布久路
- source :

- reference : edo fukuromono -


mimibukuro 耳袋 Mimi Bukuro, Mimi-Bukuro "Tales Heard"
Japanese Edo period anthology of oral tales

"Mimibukuro" is a book written by Moriyasu Negishi in the Edo-period. M. Negishi (1737-1815) was a magistrate in the city of Edo.

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Medical treatment and folk medicine recorded in "Mimibukuro"
He was very much interested in listening to and recording many kinds of the stories, which were told by various kinds of people, such as public officers, samurais, merchants, doctors, etc. Among the stories of this book, there are found some stories concerning folk medicine, medicinal substances and charms. In this report, I studied such kinds of the stories. As the results of my studies, I have shown that some medicinal stories originated in the old Chinese medical books.
Other stories were supposed to have been popular among the people of Edo.
- source : -

耳囊で訪ねるもち步き裏江戶東京散步 根岸鎮衛「耳囊」で訪ねる江戶東京の怪・奇・妖 /
Mimibukuro de tazuneru mochiaruki ura Edo Tōkyō sanpo :
Negishi Yasumori "mimibukuro" de tazuneru Edo Tōkyō no kai, ki, yō

Walking the backstreets of Edo with the Mimibukuro stories.

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The Evolution of Yōkai in Relationship to the Japanese Horror Genre
Adam J. Johnson
Mimi bukuro
In 2007, popular mystery author Kyōgoku Natsuhiko attempted to adapt a collection of random stories known as the Mimi bukuro or Tales Heard into kaidan, tales of the strange and mysterious for today's readership. ... Chapter two analyzes and compares four of the original stories from the Mimi bukuro to Kyōgoku's adaptation to understand what was scary during the Edo period, and what Kyōgoku deemed frightening in modern times. ...
- source :

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -


. Mingei 民芸 Japanese Folk Art .

- #kinchaku #edobags -

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